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When Your Prayers are Blocked

  The enemy sets up limitations that make us miss our answers. The Kingdom of darkness blocks the answers to our prayers through diversion, delay, and deception. The enemy stands in the way of the believer's testimonies, blessings, victories, opened doors e.tc which are fruits of the answered prayers. The work of the devil is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). In Daniel 10:12-14, the Bible records that Daniel's prayer was answered by God immediately. However, an Angel was assigned to deliver the answers but was held hostage by the prince of Persia for twenty-one days. Many believers pray and receive answers but the answers to their prayers are obstructed by powers of darkness.  Do not, therefore, be discouraged and lose hope in God if you do not receive answers to your prayers timely. You need to understand that God answers prayers.  In Mathew 13:54-58, The Bible records an account where Our Lord Jesus was limited to perform miracles and heal those afflicted by the...

Common Dreams That Warn You Of Impending Danger

 A human being is made up of three aspects; The Spirit, the physical body, and the Mind. Most dreams address your Spirit and Mind, which made up your soul.

Dreams are a means of communication from the spiritual world. Everything exists as spiritual before manifesting physically. Our spiritual life is so real.

Dreams may also be related to our psychological aspects, such as our deep-seated fears, cravings, and expectations.

In my 15-year dream interpretation journey, I have learned that dreams are significantly used by the spiritual world to communicate to us.

A friend of mine who always shared her dreams with me told me the following dream: In her dream, she was stranded in an open field that looked like her grandfather's home, and a sword fell from the sky and struck her left breast piercing her deeply. She tried to move to dodge the sword as it fell, but a force held her on the ground. She had no strength in her and couldn't move even a finger or open her lips to call out for help. There were some people around her, but no one came to help. They all disappeared later on as she desperately struggled. She woke up shocked by this nightmare.

Three years later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The cancer cells emanated from her left breast. She died in eight months from cancer.

Hundreds of people have also shared their dreams, and the interpretation was accurate, and they came to pass. That's when I realized that dreams are serious communication concerning us.

I have compiled for you a list of some common dreams that signify impending danger in your life. You need to have some basic spiritual concepts to understand them.

Sexual Dreams

Why is it that you feel defiled, unclean, or even guilty after having a sexually erotic dream? Any sexual dream is harmful to our souls. Sex is binding and results in procreation, be it physically or spiritually. Let us face the reality behind sexual dreams. Here is some hidden truth behind sexual activities in dreams that you need to know:

1. Men's sperms and women's eggs are harvested during ejaculation in the dream by demonic agents who use them to create demons that can transmute into human bodies.

2. People's destinies or stars are stolen through sex in dreams. That's why some people lose their well-paying jobs, homes, wealth, blessings, businesses, or opportunities after encountering a lucid dream.

3. ‘Even these dreamers defile themselves….' this is a spiritual truth. You get defiled after having sex in a dream. You get an evil attachment similar to a soul tie with a demon, and they this link to locate you everywhere you go and manipulate your life, the choices you make, or even harm you or people close to you.

4. Sexual dreams are not caused by sexual abstinence or a ‘dry-spell as others refer to it. When you are sexually active, men's semen is released at night without a sexual or sensual dream. You just wake up and find your pants wet. This is the same for women.

5. Sexual dreams cause barrenness. Most people who are barren have testified experiencing an erotic dream. What happened is; all their eggs were harvested or stolen by demons. Some people dream of having sex, then after a few weeks or days, they dream they are pregnant. Later on, they give birth to spiritual babies in a dream. This will result in permanent barrenness if you don't pray and break the spiritual family.

6. Sexual dreams may endanger the lives of people who fall in love with you. The spiritual beings who come to have sex with you may eliminate them so that you don’t have another relationship. They are jealous.

1. Having sex in a dream with someone you know or your spouse.

Any kind of sexual activity in a dream is dangerous to your life and those around you. Dreaming of having sex with someone you know or close to you, such as your spouse, a close friend, or a former boyfriend or girlfriend, is common. The person you see in the dream does not represent the real person in the wake. Demons can simulate images of anyone if they want you to willingly accept them and give in or cooperate during this heinous act. If you dream in this manner, it shows that you are somehow compelling and can reject them; that is why they disguise. Nevertheless, they have accomplished their mission of having sex with you and have successfully entered you into a covenant that is bound sexually.

The demons are full of jealousy; if they successfully initiate you into an agreement, they will keep coming, and they will never allow any other person to be intimate with you, be it spiritual or real life. You will therefore have unexplained misfortunes when it comes to love and relationship matters. If you are married, your spouse will be battered by these demons, and hatred may be born between the two of you, which may lead to divorce or a marriage full of struggle with no love and favor. The demons can also engineer the demise of your spouse. If you are single, they will make sure that your relationships become a misfortune until you give up on relationships and decide to remain single.

2. Having a sexual encounter with the dead in your dreams

If you are having sex with a dead person; this is not an ordinary dream. Sex is binding both spiritually and physically. An agreement is being sealed between you and the deceased. This may cause you to:

1. Become single all your life.

2 Never find your soul mate for the rest of your life.

Having sex with a dead person may also symbolize that you are being initiated secretly into witchcraft.

3. Dreaming about being raped

Some demons can rape you in a dream. It is a very uncomfortable experience where you feel paralyzed and unable to move, shout, or merely open your mouth to say something. Then a huge demon presses against you on the bed, taking your breath away and defiling you. You try to help yourself, but you are unable. This is a spiritual assault, and you need to find justice from God.

You are defiled, and your life becomes difficult, you lose your favor and dignity with people around you. A disease can also be implanted into your body through a forced sexual activity, which can drain all your finances and eventually lead to your death. If you dream of being raped, you have no Angel to defend you spiritually, or your soul has lost its power. Most people who dream of this horrible dream end up contracting strange sexually transmitted diseases that have no cure. Your solution is prayer. Christians have a simple solution at their disposal; when in such a situation, just call on the name 'Jesus Christ' and you will be delivered immediately and wake up from your nightmare.

Eating or drinking or smoking in a dream.

It is high time you understand that eating presents an unstoppered gateway to our souls both spiritually and physically. Food symbolizes implantation, introduction, or agreement. Eating and drinking can also be used to access your most intimate self and seal covenants.

1. Dreaming that you are eating food.

Any dream that involves eating of any kind should be acted upon immediately. Most people fall sick after having a feeding encounter in their dreams. Harmful deposits from spiritual realms such as diseases, failure, disappointments, bad lack are deposited into our lives through dream food.

2. Dreaming that you are drinking blood.

The blood carries life, and it is used for altar sacrifice. Drinking blood with unknown people in your dreams symbolizes that you are being initiated into a cult, witchcraft, devil worship, idolatry, or sacrificial zealotry.

3. Dreaming that you are eating uncooked meat or human meat.

Eating human flesh can symbolize the death of your close family member. It means the meat you were eating belongs to someone in your family; therefore, death might occur soon if you don't denounce it in prayer.

Accidents and painful losses in finances, career has preceded dreams where someone is involved in eating.

You could be eating a meal in a dream oblivious that it is your business or career you devoured. It can also be related to you being swallowed up by the evil world. Learn from this ageless truth recorded in the Bible, ‘The enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy..the enemy is the devour-er, he is like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.' So, you must pray and vomit spiritually by denouncing what you ate. I hope you understand this truth.

Take note of how your life goes after dreaming this kind of dream and testify by leaving a comment below. It is so real.

4. Dreaming about you smoking cigarette, marijuana, or taking drugs

Smoking in a dream is also common. People who smoke in their dreams or take other drugs such as cocaine marijuana alcohol for a long time end up developing health conditions related to smoking. Memory loss, lung cancer, loss of eyesight, has preceded people with this habit. So, how do you stop smoking in a dream? Do you have control over this? The good news, however, is that this thing is spiritual and can be dealt with spiritually. Pray and denounce this act. It will stop.

Dreaming of giving birth to children

Giving birth while in a dream is not a blessing! Babies do not represent blessings since babies are an intimate part of a person, and they come after two people are involved in a sexual union. Most people who dream of giving birth have previously dreamed about having sex.

Others dream of meeting someone, then they get intimate and have children in one dream. A lot of events has happened in the spiritual realm,

If you are married, spiritual babies symbolize something being introduced in your marriage or life. Spiritual babies are demons that might demand blood from your family member hence causing accidents and sudden deaths. Spiritual babies might also deny you of having real children by rendering you barren. The solution to this dream is to denounce them in prayer and ask God to take them away from you.

Dreaming that you are breastfeeding yet, you don't have a child

Someone is using evil powers to drain or steal off your fruits, the works of your labor, business, finances, or joy. Spiritual babies represent demons who are in operation to drain your blessings. If you dream this, your life is often characterized by bad luck; you may feel you are wasted and don't find joy or satisfaction in your work, business, or life. You need to separate yourself from these spiritual babies who are, in fact, demons. If you pray and denounce them, they will never appear again, and your life will start changing for the better.

When you dream you are flying

There two versions of flying dreams:

1. You are attacked, or someone threatens you, then you run and instantly gains supernatural powers that enable you to fly away from danger. This a pleasant dream; your soul will receive divine help such that it gains supernatural powers and be rescued from danger.

2. You see yourself flying across the sky either alone or in the company of others. This dream signifies your soul being taken away on an evil mission by witchcraft powers. It means your soul is a captive of witchcraft and is currently manipulated to bring harm to other people close to you or your family members. You need to pray for your soul to be delivered by God from witchcraft powers.

A dangerous being is chasing you, yet you are unable to move or run at a snail-pace

This dream shows how weak your soul is. In times of trouble, difficulty times, or temptation, you are drained of your inner strength and will not stand against adversity. It may also signify a more potent force overcoming you. This force could be demonic spirits, witchcraft, or someone planning to harm you. Slow pace movement from danger shows how weak or unprepared you are in the face of your vulnerability. Have a self-reflection and see which area of your life is drained and work on it.

Dreaming about Your Past

Most dreams involving your past are not mere memories. Dreams are characterized by events in the present, past, and future perspectives. Dreams with a future setting are rare and only happen to people with a prophetic gift. However, most dreams have a present environment, and a few present us with the past. When it comes to the spiritual realm, time is not restricted. Thousands of years can be played before you and experienced in minutes of a dream.

You need to understand that dreaming about the past, especially your former school, your old village, previous residence, former workplace, or former life when you are young simply signifies that your soul is trapped in the past.

These kinds of dreams signify stagnation or backward progress in life. It may also mean a critical occurrence in the past, which is limiting your development. These pleasant dreams appear only when you try to make significant steps in life, such as settling down, getting a new job, starting a new venture, or generally trying to improve your life. It will be followed by failure or disappointments. You need to deal with your past first before moving on. Maybe there is an agreement, curse, unforgiveness, witchcraft, or harm done to you while in that stage of life that you need to deal with and overcome before proceeding.

Some other common dreams

Dreaming about eggs

An egg is a mystery. It carries life, transfers genes from one generation to another. Eggs symbolize amazing miracles in your life that are just about to happen.

It communicates assurance that something good is about to come forth. If you dream about eggs, your difficult situation is about to come to an end and could mean a transformation is about to happen in your life. You should be grateful if you dream about eggs and don't hesitate to take opportunities when they present themselves.

Dreaming about fruits and harvesting crops

Your blessings are ready; you need to move and take possession. If an opportunity comes your way, don't hesitate to go for it, and you will surely get it. Your opportunities are ready for harvest.

You are about to benefit from a kind act you did some time back. Someone is going to repay you for a good deed you did for them in the past. Most people dream about this when they are about to be elevated or taken to another level.

Dreaming that you are in a toilet having a long or short call

This kind of dream signifies how your soul is filled up with unnecessary stuff that you need to get rid of. Your soul is shitting some things that you don't need in your life. Your soul is automatically getting rid of useless stuff you have harbored inside of you, this is relieving.

Consider doing the following: Forgive someone who has wronged you recently, can't carry the grudges, stop watching or reading vulgar material that your soul rejects such as porn, demonic stuff, horror movies, nudes, music, cultism materials, etc. In a nutshell, this is a clean-up dream.

Dreaming that you are Crying and can't stop!

How does it feel after crying the whole night in a dream? This kind of dream is a soul dream. Your inner person needs to release a particular pain, so it cries it out. Most people feel relieved and renewed after this dream; they become joyful and energized because a massive weight has been relieved of them through the dreamy tears.

Prayer is a powerful tool when it comes to dreaming. Most of our dreams are communication and bears clues from the spiritual world of what's about to happen. When you dream, you are simply being asked whether you can accept such a thing as the one presented to you. What you dreamt will happen if you don't denounce or confess otherwise.

Share your dream below in the comment section, and I will respond to you with it's interpretation.


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